YA Actor Interview – Alex Lombard Speaks Out | Young Adult Mag

Actress Alex Lombard, from the movie Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter, spoke to us via phone about her career in acting. Even though her part was minor, her presence inHunter was not forgotten. 


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As a young girl growing up in Charleston, North Carolina, Alex did not have many opportunities in the acting world. Her main outlet was to go to the movies. With her burning desire to become an actress she was a very dramatic child.  In college, she dabbled a little in acting, but it wasn’t her main focus until she moved to LA and  pursued her career.

“I always see myself in the south, I love southern pictures.” “My favorite was Vivian Leigh in Gone With the Wind,”  Alex told us. Up next for Alex is a “southern” pilot calledSouth, about an Eastern European teen in Bulgaria, Southern Carolina in the 1980s.

“One of the best things about acting is losing myself in a character. There comes a time when you let go and it’s a magical thing.”  She then went on and talked about how one of the most important things for her was having a mentor. “Whether it’s a teacher or coach, having someone to look up to was very important in becoming an actress.”

When asked what her favorite book was, she told us is was a poem called Paradise Lost by John Milton. I look forward to more projects with Alex and thank her for her time.